ROCHEM® Reverse Osmosis Systems
Clean sterilize and desalinate seawater to high quality pure potable water. ROCHEM RO plants are shipboard system favorites.
Over 2000 installations by Rochem Group companies with varying capacities ranging from small vessels to the very largest, including the NATO Navies, are in daily use all over the world. Their modular construction allows the flexibility to make system design and installation relatively easy on any vessel.
Certified by all well-known Classification Societies, the systems provide fully automatic operation and are easy to maintain.

Cruise Ships
ROCHEM® freshwater generators on Customer’s request, special design up to 800.000 ltr/day potable water.

Merchant Ships
First ROCHEM® unit supplied in 1982 – Since 33 years customer satisfaction on board.

Research Vessels
Standard ROCHEM® freshwater generators from 2.000 ltr/day up to 100.000 ltr/day.

Offshore Platforms
Standard ROCHEM® freshwater generators from 2.000 ltr/day up to 100.000 ltr/day.